Operation: NASH BASH

Hey, all y’all! Wow, what a week I’ve had! Operation NASH BASH was a success, but it took 23 hours from door to door. If you want all the details, check out my latest SEAL Team Report.

Another objective of the trip was to get over to Corner Music, our Premier Dealer in Nashville. Here’s a quick introduction of JD, surrounded by some fine looking vintage Ps and Js.

Next week I’ll have another clip of that wall of basses.

It’s after 9:00, and I just got back from rehearsal, so I’m going to leave it here, because I still have to finish writing the report I promised a few paragraphs ago, as well as the Practice Tip of the Week.

If you want to keep up on the latest, visit the forum. I check all unread threads at lesat once a day, usually in the morning. And don’t forget about Twitter, You Tube and Facebook. We’d love to connect with you there, as well.

New Content:

Practice Tip of the Week.